Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tonight was....well, strange.

I basically stood behind the bar tonight, doing as little as possible, and managed to walk with $152.

Its very late....I would LOVE to write more, but I am just too tired. I guess I could sum it up really quick.

This past week I have been accused of stealing $10 from a regular customer. This is a customer that tips over the top, that I have partied with outside of the bar, and was at my wedding.
But I stole ten fucking dollars from him.....sure! That makes sense! Phhtttt!!!!!

This past week Ive been caught in the middle of 'lets see who can do the least amount of work' basically leaving it up to me to keep everything stocked. Lettuce, olives, pickles, beer! COME ON! How hard is it? The pissing match between mornings and mids....Its all falling onto me. I don't like stocking 12 cases of beer the minute I walk in the door!

This past week Ive been dealing with a co-worker that likes to stay until midnight when they get off at 1pm. Needless to say, she gets drunk, retarded and paranoid, thinking I stole her money. ...She is good friends with my regular that thinks I ripped him off ten bucks. SUPER!

This past week the owner has been getting on me about sales. "How did we go through that much CC?" Oh hell, I don't know! Maybe it had something to do with the 10 fucking people drinking it!!!..What a concept!

This past week I came to work with the day bartender handing me a big red piece of paper. "What the hell is this Bella?" It was a shut off notice from the water department. "Uhh, don't worry about it." I didn't know what to say about it.

This past week the owners went to the casino, came back to the bar, and bitched about the water bill.

This past week has been horrible.

This past week I applied at the Olive Garden. again.

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