Saturday, March 29, 2008


about a month ago...hehehe

But I fianlly did it.

So, I left the bar after 7 long years.....When a cieling tile landed on my head... LOL Yea.... It fell because the bucket of water (from the leaking cieling) was full.... hhaha.. oh was I pissed off that night!

I put in my 2 week notice, but was fired after working 3 shifts.. thank god. Financially, it kinda sucked hard. Mentally, it was the best thing that ever happened. I got a whole 12 days off of work.

I was only off work for 5 days when i got married. (Friday off, married on Sat. back on Tues.)

Anyway, I was treated like a total asshole those last 3 days, I was not privelaged enough to get the owners (my parents) a beer when they needed one. They talked shit about me when I walked away (dad dosent have an "inside voice") Whatever, theyre my parents... I shouldnt talk shit....... they ARE my parents... They just shouldnt own a bar, or any other type of business.

They told me not to ask for anything ever again.

What have they done (in the past 10 years), really?

OK, 5 years ago, they co-signed on a car for me, helped me get my car out of tow when I got my DUI....... Helped pay for the wedding... OH! they gave me pay advances when I needed cash.

OH! I FORGOT! They gave me job. hahaha!

Whatever, I got me a new job.

And I fucking love it.

Instead of beer and Jager, I serve milk and hot chocolate.
Instead of steak and burgers, I serve cupcakes and cookies.
Instead of drunk assholes, I serve teens and soccer moms........... OK, I know theyre not much better!

But when you hand that six year old kid his cupcake, his smile makes your heart melt....espacially when you offer him some sprinkles!

The tips really suck... with $1300 in sales, I took in about $15 in tips....and thats only because I was working with the owner. Otherwise I would have only been able to pay for my parking and maybe a pack of smokes... Its about a 50% cut in my income....if not more. But Im really likeing the change.

My boss is hella awesome. He's super stressed about the business, but it dosent show. He told me what he pays (in general anyway) for his lease.... I couldnt write that check each month.

He does some awesome shit too......This month he posted the water bill. It only went down by about $60, but there was this BIG thank-you letter to us staff about keeping cost down. It could have went down because business being down......

Its nice to see that people can still have such a positive outlook in an otherwise shitty economy.

I think its exactly what I've been needing these past few years...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my B button wont work!!!!

goddamn its fucked up right now.... im having a hard time posting....

were on a land contract....... 3 months behind.

found a cockroach today....

ceiling tile fell into the deep fryer.......owner wanted to "pick the chunks out"

roof is about 9 different places. one of the leaks is right above the fryer.....

if the fryer oil isnt changed......i quit..

this is so fucked up.

A good note...My DUI, holy shit did i get lucky! 12 months proation. Thats all I got. hehhe!!!
"yes I can pay everything now"

it was a lesson a needed to learm i guess...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


SO.......The past month has been pure hell.

Or maybe I should say since Nov. 18th its been hell

Dog ate the carpet, computer decided it hates me, got a DUI, quit my job (for 13 hours), LOL

YES Bella got a DUI........dont wanna talk about made me gain 10 pounds. *facedesk*

I wish I could explain what went down when I quit my job. It was BAD!! My hubby was looking at me like I was crazy. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO....?!???FOR WHAT YOU PAY ME!?!?ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING??!!?!!"

Thats about how it went. It was awesome! I got a raise! WOOT!

She didnt want to give me Wednesday off.... I need to go to court and I got shit for it.

Either way....I STILL work there. I guess I like the torture....It felt good to quit for the whole 13 hours lol

I sound like a spoiled brat hahaa not good.

sorry this is a BS post, Im sleepy.